Cash for cars is designed to let you purchase a car of your choice by selling your old car. You can purchase any new model present in the market with the money you get. The schemes may vary from state to state but the basic end remains the same. Cash for used cars allows you to sell your used car to any of the authorized car shops. This scheme is quite popular because you get a good value for your money plus some additional benefits from the car dealers.
The cash for used car schemes allows you to trade off your old car for a brand new car with an additional incentive of $4500. The scheme has two benefits one for you and another for the environment. With this scheme not only the sales have increased but also the old fuel guzzlers are back in the garages in exchange of new present generation eco-friendly cars.
The cash for used truck is also a big hit among the car makers who are more interested in selling their newly designed trucks on the road. These car makers will help you sell off the old trucks in exchange of cash and give you a choice to buy one of their new trucks or cars plus incentives.