Carmax, a leading enterprise that helps people but used cars, has come up with few points that can help you in getting maximum value of your vehicle. This list is compiled as a lot of people do not know what to keep in mind while going out in market to sell their car and they usually end up in getting a very low amount. They often visit Carmax’s office and a typical first question is “tell me how to sell my used car?”
So here is a ckeck list that you can follow to get the maximum value of your used car:
- First step is to check the car's Kelley Blue Book value, which is nothing else but the catalogue of car values. It is available at all the leading libraries and banks.
- Keep a tab of the used car sale even if you don’t have to sell your car right away. It is always a good idea to stay in touch with the market and have knowledge about how other people are pricing their vehicles.
- The classified sections of the local newspaper or auto-dealer magazines always have the list of people interested in buying used cars. You can use this to compare costs and find out the ways you can increase the value.
- Decide maximum and minimum amount that you are ready to consider. This will give you a pricing bracket that you can quote.
- Create a buzz. Tell your friends and neighbours, they can give you free of cost publicity.
- Sale used car is also dependent on a number of other actors such as mileage, total miles covered and overall conditions of the car. If it has any other fault and correcting it is not going to cost you much, get it repaired.
- Notify your insurance company immediately after selling the car and inform it company to remove it from your policy.